~ INAUGURATION of a BAD MAN ~: An Eagle With Only A Right Wing Can't Fly


The inauguration of Resident BUSH to a second term, spells four more years of misery for the people of the United States of America.

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Saturday, February 19, 2005

An Eagle With Only A Right Wing Can't Fly

An Eagle With Only A Right Wing Can't Fly
2005-02-19 09:01:06
Texas has a problem with two particularly destructive insects which, although outwardly they LOOK like their productive, non-destructive cousins, are bellicose, and tend to kill off competitors, and in general, endanger the natural balance.

The first animal is the "FIRE ANT" (imported fire ants) Solenopsis invicta (http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~gilbert/research/fireants/faqans.html.
Fire ants look very similar to other ants, but their aggressiveness and intensity of the venom they inject with an attack, makes them almost pathologically bellicose. When they move into an area, they attack other, more peaceful ants and kill them off, soon becoming the dominant ant in an area,.

The other is the so-called "KILLER BEE" or Africanized Bee.(Apis mellifera scutellata). As with the fire ant, the killer bee, although it looks outwardly very much like the European bees that are more docile and produce honey commercially, the warlike, territorially aggressive killer bee, tends to move into an area, kill or drive off the other bees, and become the dominant form of bee.

Interestingly, the country from which both of these insects came from to the USA, was South America..

The title of this article is "AN EAGLE WITH ONLY A RIGHT WING CAN'T FLY". The Eagle of course, is the United States. The Congress is now dominated by just one party, and the executive brance is rule by that same party.

Republicans often may look like democrats, like a killer bee may look like a European bee or a fire ant may look like another ant, but, like these aggressive, predatorial insects, seem to want to wipe out the opposition, and show little real interest in co-existing, or working in a truly bipartisan manner.

As with the EAGLE, the United States needs BOTH wings, Right AND Left, not only to fly at all, but certtainly to fly toward a forward destination.

Anyone paddling a boat only on the RIGHT, is never going to reach their destination on the other side, but will instead, merely go in a circle.

This country MUST head toward a positive destination, and for that, we need BOTH wings!
~CodeWarriorz Thoughts