~ INAUGURATION of a BAD MAN ~: Protestors will have "Pro-War" Counter Protestors to deal with.


The inauguration of Resident BUSH to a second term, spells four more years of misery for the people of the United States of America.

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Sunday, January 16, 2005

Protestors will have "Pro-War" Counter Protestors to deal with.

Anti-Racist Action obtained the following information about
planned pro-war counter-demonstrators at the DC inaugural
protests. "PW" refers to Protest Warriors, a group that has harassed anti-
war and pro-justice demonstrations around the country. "FReepers"
refers to the "Free Republic" group, a pro-GOP group that attacked
demonstrators here in LA who protested Bush's first selection
back in 2000. They intend to infiltrate and probably disrupt
or provoke incidents during the scheduled protests in DC, and are
planning their own picket at ANSWER offices in DC.
Of course, if people have videocameras and obtain film documentation of these burly boys trying to intimidate protestors, that could be used in criminal prosecutions
against anyone interfering with the right of protestors to peaceably assemble.

That would be a civil rights violation I believe.

I hope these "counter-protestors" have a sugar daddy with lots of money if they are sued, and their masters, the Repubs, hire lots of defense attorneys for them.